Buttons, burlap, ivory lace and coffee are some of my favorite elements to work with in the crafting sphere. I also love jute rope.
Actually, I love things that look old or are old.
Old things, like vintage jewelry and furniture, reclaimed wood, burlap and other items remind me of simpler times. I will not say "better" times because each era has its own problems and discomforts. How would you like to walk outdoors to the outhouse to use the toilet rather than walk through your house? I like my modern conveniences such as dishwashers, flush toilets, microwaves, washers, cars, computers. Today I really like my air conditioner. We're in the triple digits here! So the "old" days, while they have their attraction, are not necessarily "better" days.
Simplicity is what attracts me to the past. I love the times when everything was handmade. Old things also remind me of people from my past or about books I enjoyed. There is a connection with our heritage in old things. A piece of vintage furniture or jewelry might remind me of grandparents long passed or a vintage Barbie might remind me of the fun I had playing with them at my still-living grandmother's house. She turned 90 this year, by the way. What a trooper!

I recently added these favor boxes to my Etsy site. The first one is a little rough-looking. I covered this box with a reclaimed burlap rice bag. I love the color pops on it and the frayed look on the edges (all touched with fray check so they won't unravel). Like the other boxes I added this week, they are die cut by me from a large piece of medium-weight chipboard I "re-purposed" from Sam's Club.
The second box mixes a little elegance with burlap and a vintage button. I love the pattern on the paper I used to cover this box. It gives a feeling of simplicity and beauty. The burlap makes it shabby.
The box is 3 x 2 - 1/8 x 7/8 inches and can hold several pieces of candy, as pictured, jewelry- rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, cash, anything you can imagine. They would fit well at any rustic-themed event, such as an old country-style wedding or shower, or a rodeo party. Whatever the purpose, I hope you will enjoy them!
The second box mixes a little elegance with burlap and a vintage button. I love the pattern on the paper I used to cover this box. It gives a feeling of simplicity and beauty. The burlap makes it shabby.
The box is 3 x 2 - 1/8 x 7/8 inches and can hold several pieces of candy, as pictured, jewelry- rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, cash, anything you can imagine. They would fit well at any rustic-themed event, such as an old country-style wedding or shower, or a rodeo party. Whatever the purpose, I hope you will enjoy them!