Art is also a way to express one's faith. Recently, I posted these matchboxes on Etsy. They are favors and would be nice to insert in an Easter basket or to just give out at Easter. They hold a small piece of candy (mini-candy bars are perfect) or a small gift. I made mine with crosses that symbolize different aspects of Christ:

This cross, with a heart in the center, represents the sacred heart of Christ. Love is at the center of Easter and it is the love in Christ's heart that makes our salvation possible.

This cross is purple and represents the kingship of our Lord Jesus.

This cross is white and represents the purity of Christ. He was the perfect sacrifice for our sin, like the spotless lambs that the Jewish people used to sacrifice to atone for their sins. The red sticky gem in the center represents Christ's blood that was shed.
Art can also be used to tell one's life story. Here we see an image that shows some of a mosaic that is hanging in the hallway at the Benet Hill Monastery. It tells the story of the nuns of the Order of St Benedict, but also of the house and how these particular nuns came to be at Benet Hill:
What can you see from this image that tells you about their story? The right side, not completely visible in this photo, illustrates through art and symbology significant to the order, the inspiration of Saint Benedict and the influence of his twin sister, Saint Scholastica. The central part of the mosaic illustrates the journey the sisters once made from the home monastery in Kansas to the Colorado Springs area, with the original house in the city. It also shows the importance of music and art in the nuns' lifestyle, with hands raised heavenward, reaching out for God.
Artists have been using images to tell their story for centuries. How will you tell your faith story?
Have a great weekend. I'll share more Monday.