All of us are on a spiritual journey. Because we are created by God, he has placed a desire in each one of us to get close to him. And God wants a relationship with us. Unfortunately, however, after humanity was created, the created decided that s/he wanted to become just like the Creator. Ever since then there has been a huge chasm between God and people
(Check out Genesis 1 – 3 for details on the creation and the Fall of humanity--and if you don't take it literally that's okay. Go for the concept.).
Throughout the centuries, God tried to get close to his creation by using animal sacrifice to atone for sin. However, this was only a Band-Aid until the time when he would come to earth as a man and become the perfect sacrifice for his creation.
God loved us so much that he sent his only son into the world not to condemn the world but to save the world (John 3: 17). Through Jesus we can have union with the Creator of the entire universe (John 3: 16). We can live a rich and full life right here on earth (John 10:10) and can live throughout eternity in heaven with him (John 3: 16).
Deciding to become a Christian and the promise of a rich and full life does not mean that we will be spared trouble, but it does mean that we have a relationship with God. The Bible is full of promises stating that God will walk with us through life and that he is ultimately in control. He has promised to give us peace in a world full of turmoil (John 16: 33).
You can have this today by believing that Jesus is God and that his sacrifice on the cross saves you from sin. Simply believe that on the third day Jesus rose again and that through this action he conquered death and the grave. Ask God to forgive you for your sin and then receive his forgiveness. It’s that simple.
The hard part is living like Jesus. We have all seen poor examples of those who profess to follow Christ, but God has promised to fill us with his spirit so that he can live this life through us (John 14: 26). As believers, we become God’s hands and feet to a hurting and broken world. The best thing that we, as believers, can do is find a church where the Bible is talked about and its truths are practiced. It is helpful to be around other believers (Hebrews 10: 25). In addition to this, we also need to study the Bible and pray on our own. There are plenty of helpful resources to do this and I will mention some from time to time on this blog.
If you have decided to follow Christ, please let me know. I would be glad to help you get started on this journey.