

A rhythm for life

Throughout this course I have been writing a rule for life, or a rhythm of life. I believe that I like the term rhythm better because the beat of life is comprised of Christ flowing through me abundantly. The things that I do to draw me closer to God are the notes that I play.

Just like in the discipline of music, living a godly, disciplined life takes practice. As we grow, and learn how to play, the score becomes more challenging. The “notes” that I must play to remain in communion with God are daily Scripture reading, prayer, contemplation and forgiveness. As I mentioned in my last paper, the parameters are to love those around me and far from me, in order to participate in the abundant life, as Jesus described in John 10:10.

Through my work at the newspaper, I participate in the discipline of social justice. Recently, I was able to write a commentary for the religion page with suggestions about getting away from the commercialism of Christmas. I encouraged people to remember what Christmas was about and wrote about simplicity. The article was well received by the community, so I pray that God will give me more to write about that will help others.

When I spoke with my mentor about this rhythm of life, she liked the idea of including forgiveness in my rule. In that meeting we talked about the challenging relationships in my life and how God was asking me to pray. We also discussed how we would like to continue the relationship after my classes were over. We are both enjoying this and we are considering how we might make it a more balanced relationship. By balanced we mean that we will consider each other’s spiritual walk in alternating meetings. To do this we will have to meet twice a month rather than once.

Since my last paper, I have thought of ways to incorporate spiritual direction in my Sunday school class. One of the members and I are going to walk through the book “Connecting with God, a Spiritual Formation Guide” from Renovare. We still have to decide how often we will meet and when, but I am confident that once this begins we will grow together. Another way I have been thinking about incorporating spiritual direction into my class is to have two separate meetings. One will be less formal in which we discuss how we’re doing and look to each other for encouragement. The other meeting will concentrate on biblical study.

With my prayer partner, I need to reestablish communication. Once this is accomplished, I will find ways to incorporate more intentional questions in our discussions.

My relationship with Christ is growing in so many ways through the disciplines I am learning to incorporate and by meeting with my mentor, prayer partner and Sunday school class. I cannot begin to thank God enough for all God has done for me. WC 491